Customized handmade malas

Customized handmade malas

from $20.00

Malas are used to track position when moving through mantra practice. As the mantra is spoken, the beads are cycled through. This frees the mind from having to count. The coordinating of speaking the mantra with the movement of the hand on the bead introduces an embodiment and focus to the practice.

Wrist Malas (27 beads) are available for $20 each (Plus S&H)

Neck Malas (108 beads) for $25 each (Plus S&H)

Each mala is lovingly hand-crafted by Centered Presence, Ltd. using wood beads and natural fibers. The adorning thread on the tassel is a nylon-cotton blend. 

These beautiful bead strings are as much adornment as they are meditative tools!

Price includes 7% PA Sales Tax.

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