Join us for this live, online mini-retreat where we explore three equilibrating practices in the context of these ever-changing times.
Through body-balancing Postural Yoga, emotion-soothing Palliative Guided Relaxation, and mind-focusing Introspective Writing, you can find your equilibrium in times of uncertainty.
Connect with others who are also ready to approach the leading edge of Adaptative Stability.
Together, we will practice ways to find equilibrium in your body, your feelings and your life!
This event has already occurred. If you are interested in future offerings — either public or private — please send a message to Michael Patrick using this link:
“I highly recommend this online mini-retreat. At first, I wasn’t sure about an online format in terms of creating an immersive experience but the retreat really delivered. I enjoyed the equal emphasis placed on yoga, palliative touch and introspective writing. In fact, attending online can actually deepen the retreat experience since it minimizes distractions and allows one to quickly access emotions and memories. I had not journalled in many years and I found that the format and presentation were powerful and effective. ”
About this mini-retreat
Over the past few months, life as we know it has drastically changed; not only in one area, but all of them.
Things are changing rapidly, and in so many different ways. We don't know when they will change back, to what extent they will return, and what will be changed permanently. And, even if we do have a sense, it can all change again in a moment!
This is uncertainty.
Uncertainty has always been with us, it's just that we haven't had it in our face at every turn, and in every area of our lives. But it’s always been there. To avoid feeling it, we have built artificial structures around everything to give ourselves a sense of security. But, the current circumstances have removed those structures and have undeniably brought us face to face with the uncertainty that has always been.
And it has deeply affected our lives.
We've been removed from our familiar routines and new ones added by default. We’ve been living and working differently, isolating, and struggling to make sense of this rapid, pervasive change.
And that has taken us out of balance.
Our bodies are out of balance from too much sitting and irregular exercise.
Our feelings are out of balance from too much somatic isolation and separation from who and what we love.
Our lives are out of balance because so much change has displaced us and we don't know how to process or make sense of it.
We are re-evaluating everything.
Since uncertainty is something that we live with whether we want it or not, let's learn how to live with it better.
What makes uncertainty seem so scary is that we often can't find stability, at least not for long, because we don't have the context to plan ahead. I compare the feeling of uncertainty to being alone in an open sea. The waves are uncertain; you don't know what will happen next and you can't anticipate it.
You just have to relax and go with it.
But how?
It is an internally-based moment-to-moment stability. Rather than rely on external anchors such as plans, schedules and default routines for steadiness, find them within. This involves looking inward, through introspective practices like yoga, guided relaxation, and writing, and then asking, "What feels out of balance? How might I bring a sense of equilibrium back to my system, no matter what the external life circumstance may be?”
Join us for this live, online mini-retreat where we explore three essential practices in the context of these ever-changing times.
Together, we will practice ways to find equilibrium in your body, your feelings and in your life!
Through body-balancing Postural Yoga, emotion-soothing Palliative Guided Relaxation, and mind-focusing Introspective Writing, these tools can help you find your equilibrium in times of uncertainty.
Connect with others who are also ready to approach the leading edge of Adaptative Stability.
Retreat Overview
1. Find equilibrium in your body through Postural Yoga.
To address our bodies being out of balance from too much sitting and irregular exercise, we explore Postural Yoga.
Remaining in one position too long causes the active, flexed muscles to be contracted and feel tight, while the opposing muscle groups are overstretched and feel tight too. No wonder your whole body feels sore! Reverse this process by moving the major joints in circles to warm up the muscles and to get a sense of where the imbalances are. Then, through Postural Yoga techniques, relax the muscles while you relax your mind.
Retreat session, “Slacken Up A Little” – Yoga When All Of Your Muscles Seem Tense. From Centered Presence, Ltd.’s Yoga For Everyday Living Program.
This retreat segment assumes that participants have basic experience in the practice of yoga. For those entirely new to yoga, the Beginner’s Tutorial Program may be a better fit initially.
2. Find equilibrium in your feelings through Palliative Guided Relaxation.
When are feelings are out of balance because of too much somatic isolation and separation from who and what we love, our own touch can soothe us.
Self-Soothing Touch Guided Relaxation layers soft, gentle touch -- using your own hands and fingers -- with guiding words. This can become your "go to" self-care practice. Embrace your own soothing super-power!
Retreat session ”Soothe Yourself Through Your Own Touch”
3. Find equilibrium in your life through Introspective Writing.
When we are experiencing so much change and upheaval, sometimes we just don't know how to process or make sense of it all. We find ourselves in the position of re-evaluating everything. Intensive and profound things happen in our lives all the time, and this current situation is one of the biggest we’ve ever lived. Using life coaching principles, this segment explores how to process and integrate profound life experiences through introspective writing. Participants are led to explore four deeper questions in stages, which help them to acknowledge, find meaning, recognize transformation, integrate and move forward — even in the context of uncertainty.
Retreat Segment, “Introspective Writing for Personal Growth”
4. Find equilibrium through the practice of Adaptative Stability.
Adaptative Stability is an internally-based moment-to-moment stability. Rather than rely on external anchors such as plans, schedules and default routines for steadiness, find them within. This involves looking inward, through introspective practices like yoga, guided relaxation, and writing, and then asking, "What feels out of balance? How might I bring a sense of equilibrium back to my system, no matter what the external life circumstance may be?”
When we have the tools in place — and have practiced using them — we are better equipped to readjust and equilibrate to any situation. We become attuned to the subtle changes within ourselves and can course-correct in a shorter period of time. This is adaptive stability in practice.
What to expect
Mini-Retreat Schedule:
Postural Yoga Session
Guided Relaxation Session
Short Break
Introspective Writing Session
How to prepare
Turn off your phone, buzzers, alarms, dings, notifications, announcements, etc.
Have yoga mat and props like yoga blanket, cushion, blocks and yoga strap.
Wear loose-fitting comfortable clothing.
Have a light snack and refreshment available during the short break
If you have a journal, please use it for the introspective writing segment.
If not, a notebook or several sheets of paper will suffice. Centered Presence Journals are available for purchase. They can encourage continuation of introspective writing practice.
About the Facilitator
Michael Patrick, LMT, KYT, CPC
As a Licensed Massage Therapist, Kripalu Yoga Teacher, Certified Professional Coach and former Scientist, I bring all the gifts of who I am to my work. Driven by the desire to elevate others, my career initially spanned the biotech industry, interdisciplinary research and laboratory safety. Over the past decade, it evolved to wellness and now I work in my own company, Centered Presence, Ltd. As a presenter, my workshops are characterized by elements of touch, intimacy, authenticity, embodiment, grounding, presence, spiritual practice and cultivation of inner awareness, which result in personal growth and empowered movement forward.