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Celebrate Mid-Spring! On-Demand Virtual Yoga Workshop - Available Now

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Allow yourself to blossom!

Attune to nature at the height of Spring. Connect with nature’s rhythms and find grounding through Earth Salutations Yoga Practice.

Drawing from the wisdom of yoga and observations from the nature traditions, this innovative workshop unites yogic wisdom with the seasonal flows of nature. Observation of cycles and phases in nature can help us make sense of the seasons of our lives and approach them with mindfulness and intention. This workshop is about attuning to the flow of nature, yogic philosophy and the rhythms of life.

Join us for grounding Earth Salutations practice at this on-demand virtual yoga workshop.

"Celebrate Mid-Spring!" On-Demand Virtual Yoga Workshop 2022


Celebrate Mid-Spring! Drawing from the wisdom of yoga and observations from the nature traditions, this innovative two-hour on-demand workshop unites yogic wisdom with the seasonal flows of nature. Connect with nature’s rhythms and ground through Earth Salutations Yoga Practice.

This workshop is recommended for those who have some experience in yoga.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
— Albert Einstein


About this workshop

Yoga teaches us to observe our breathing. The breath holds the most fundamental rhythm of life:  inhale, brief pause, exhale, another brief pause, inhale… and so the cycle repeats. Moving beyond our bodies to the natural world, we see the daily, yet ever-changing cycle of light and dark. Through circadian rhythms, we adapt our waking and sleeping cycles. We can observe larger cycles of days through the changing illumination of the moon, marked by its phases. Likewise, through the earth’s orbit of the sun, we observe a change of seasons every 13 weeks. The solstices are indicated by minimum and maximum amounts of daylight, and the equinoxes as the intermediate inflection points between them.

There are instinctive ways of being that correspond to the seasons; we are generally less active and more introspective during the winter; more active and outgoing in the summer. Learning to move with these cycles (rather than fighting them) is a way to flow with nature and feel connection with something larger than hectic modern living.

At the change of the seasons, yogis all around the world practice 108 Sun Salutations. This acknowledges the time of change in the environment around us. Sankalpa – the setting of spiritual intention – acknowledges that there are changes to occur within us and are customarily set at this practice.

In the nature traditions (paganism, Wicca), the solstices and equinoxes (quarter days) are observed, as are cross-quarter days. These four transitional days occur about 6 weeks after the solstices and equinoxes, and denote the effects of the sun’s changing energy on the earth, as evidenced through temperature cycles that correspond to seasonal cycles. This seasonal lag is explained by insolation (solar irradiance of the earth). Agricultural societies utilized these natural signals to plant and harvest, since their lives depended on the plants they grew for food and they learned that working with the natural cycle was extremely beneficial.

Vernal Equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere around March 21. On this day, the amount of daylight (and solar energy) is equal to the amount of darkness. The equalizing of daylight and darkness represents an inflection point of annual solar energy cycle, where it rapidly increases before leveling off at Summer Solstice. Due to seasonal lag effect, there is an inflection point observed in the earth’s average temperatures around May 1st. This day is called Beltane. On this day, the changes in the warming effect of the sun’s energy on the earth are greatest and gradually taper off until it reaches its maximum on August 1st. What we typically see is a sudden outburst of blooms of the plant life that feels the effects of the shift in warming.

This workshop intentionally occurs at Beltane as a way to observe the most pronounced changes of the earth’s seasonal warming cycle. We will use this time to access the grounding and warming practice of Earth Salutations.

About Earth Salutations

The earth has a flow, but much different than water. It erupts, shakes, falls, settles and ultimately supports life. The cycle of earth moving and flowing is found symbolically within the dynamic of the Earth Salutation.
— Michael Patrick

The cross-quarter days are all about the earth and its absorption of solar radiation from the cyclical change of sunlight. The earth’s temperature affects its ability to support plant life and sets cycles of blooming and harvest. When we set Sankalpa on the seasonal quarter days, we symbolically begin to see those effects developing near the cross-quarter days. The radiance of intention begins to affect our inner earth. So in my yoga practice, cross-quarter days are times to become more attuned to my inner earth –- that supporting, stable, solid part of my being –- through the grounding Earth Salutations sequence. Like Sun Salutations, this flowing practice moves through a series of positions; but unlike Sun Salutations, Earth Salutations are done close to the ground and without ever standing. Sun Salutations produce a fire-like, energizing effect, while Earth Salutations are more like slow burning embers that radiate outward from the core, like a steady heat.


What to expect

In this innovative, experiential yoga workshop, a mixture of presentation, discussion and specialized yoga practice are introduced.

During the first 30 minutes, I will describe what the Wheel of the Year is all about, how it meshes beautifully with grounding Earth Salutations Yoga Practice, and share insights obtained through my own practice and spiritual journey.

The remaining 90 minutes is dedicated to Earth Salutations Yoga practice, which includes breathing (pranayama), warm ups (kriya) and, instruction and practice of Earth Salutations, which are done at a slow, gentle pace.

The workshop is recommended for individuals who have some experience in practicing yoga, want to deepen their practice and open awareness to a new level.


How to prepare

Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes.

Turn off your phone, buzzers, alarms, dings, notifications, announcements, etc.

This session is recommended for those who already have some experience in the practice of yoga.

Items to consider having available:

Yoga Mat, Blocks, Cushion and/or Blanket

These props can help support the body in while in the different positions, especially in seated positions.

Don’t have these things? Just make use of something similar that you already have laying around.

Use a firm pillow, a comforter, or a tightly-folded bath towel for a cushion or blanket.

A block can be made from a short stack of sturdy books that are all about the same size. Secure them with several large rubber bands or string. Be sure to secure them from all sides.

Those should attend who:

Are interested in becoming more peaceful, grounded and embodied.

Desire to have greater understanding of how their life flow fits into something larger.

Are ready to engage in a deeper level of yoga practice and are ready for more tools.

Already have some experience in the practice of yoga.


About the Facilitator

Michael Patrick, LMT, KYT, CPC

As a Licensed Massage Therapist, Kripalu Yoga Teacher, Certified Professional Coach and former Scientist, I bring all the gifts of who I am to my work. Driven by the desire to elevate others, my career initially spanned the biotech industry, interdisciplinary research and laboratory safety. Over the past decade, it evolved to wellness and now I work in my own company, Centered Presence, Ltd. As a presenter, my workshops are characterized by elements of touch, intimacy, authenticity, embodiment, grounding, presence, spiritual practice and cultivation of inner awareness, which result in personal growth and empowered movement forward.